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Valkheim Server

Game Servers

This server uses several mods to better your Valheim experience without taking away from the ma...

Updated 7 months ago by ValkyrieofNight


The Team

About ValkyrieofNight is mostly known for his Environmental Tech series of mods ...

Updated 7 months ago by ValkyrieofNight

Void Miners

Environmental Tech 3 Wiki Void Miners

Getting Started To get started mining things using your void miner you'll need to make yourself ...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Solar Panels

Environmental Energy 3 Wiki Solar Energy

The Solar Panels in Environmental Energy are capable of generating large amounts of energy from t...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Adding Void Miner Programs

Environmental Tech 3 Wiki Void Miners

Adding Void Miner Programs is actually quite a simple process. First of all the directory that th...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight


Environmental Core 3 Wiki Assembler

The Assembler is used to craft and upgrade many items and blocks in the Environmental Mods. It is...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Fluid Generator Variants

Simple Generators 3 Wiki Fluid Generators

In Simple Generators there is not only item generators but a selection of Fluid generators also. ...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Item Generator Variants

Simple Generators 3 Wiki Item Generators

Simple Generators contains a vast selection of different generators that produce energy off of it...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Recipe Item Types

ValkyrieLib 3 Wiki

Item For regular items it will look something like this:  "raw:item": "minecraft:iron_ingot" I...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Overriding Recipes

ValkyrieLib 3 Wiki

With any recipe that uses ValkyrieLib's recipe system you can override or disable any recipe quit...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Recipe Fluid Types

ValkyrieLib 3 Wiki

Fluid For regular fluids it will look something like this:  "raw:fluid": "minecraft:water" Flu...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Adding Fuels to Item Generators

Simple Generators 3 Wiki Item Generators

In this article we will go through how to add new item fuels to any of the item based generators ...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Adding Fuels to Fluid Generators

Simple Generators 3 Wiki Fluid Generators

In this article we will go through how to add new fluid fuels to any of the fluid based generator...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Adding Drops to Void Miners

Environmental Tech 3 Wiki Void Miners

In this article we will look into how to add drops to the Void Miners. This tutorial assumes that...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Solar Cells

Environmental Energy 3 Wiki Solar Energy

Solar cells are obviously the most important part of the Solar Panel. Any combination of cells(An...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Lightning Rods

Environmental Energy 3 Wiki Lightning Energy

Lightning Rods in Environmental Energy are able to produce a ton of energy off of lightning strik...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Lens Grinder

Environmental Core 3 Wiki Lens Grinder

The Lens Grinder is a machine that uses Energy to create Lenses. For example you can create Cryst...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Creating Lens Grinder Recipes and Categories

Environmental Core 3 Wiki Lens Grinder

In this article we will look into how to make Lens Grinder Categories and Lens recipes. Lens Gri...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Creating Memory Programmer Recipes and Categories

Environmental Core 3 Wiki Memory Programmer

In this article we will look into how to make Memory Programmer Categories and Program recipes. ...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight

Creating Assembler Recipes

Environmental Core 3 Wiki Assembler

In this article we will look into how to make recipes for the Assembler using json based datapack...

Updated 2 years ago by ValkyrieofNight