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Overriding Recipes

With any recipe that uses ValkyrieLib's recipe system you can override or disable any recipe quite easily. In order to do that you'll need to place these overrides in a custom datapack or use KubeJS or another datapack loading mod.


In order to override or disable a recipe you'll need to first figure out its exact directory and file name. To do that you can open the jar file of the corresponding mod(Once that uses ValkyrieLib as a dependency) as a zip and then navigate to the recipe that you want to override.  The path inside that zip file from "data" and onwards is the path you need. For example, if I want to change/disable a recipe inside the data/envirotech/envirocore/lens_grinder/colored/black.json I need to create a black.json in the data/envirotech/envirocore/lens_grinder/colored/ directory inside my custom datapack.

Disabling Recipes

Once you have found the directory of the recipe you want to disable is in, and created a json with the same exact name as that recipe you'll now need to put the following json inside of that json file to disable the recipe:

	"override": "disable"
Replacing Recipes

Once you have found the directory of the recipe you want to replace is in, and created a json with the same name as that recipe you'll now need to put "override": "replace" in your new recipe. You could copy the existing recipe in that directory and insert that line inside that recipe and then change the values if you desire.

Example of data/envirotech/envirocore/lens_grinder/colored/black.json recipe with the override text inside the recipe:

  "override": "replace",
  "categories": ["envirotech:colored"],
  "focus": "envirotech:black",
  "r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 0,
  "input": {"raw:itemstack": "envirocore:lens"},
  "output": {"raw:itemstack": "envirocore:lens"},
  "duration": {"raw:int": 40}