Recipe Item Types
For regular items it will look something like this:
"raw:item": "minecraft:iron_ingot"
Items with NBT
You only need the "match_nbt": true
if you are using this in an input slot. For output slots, the provided nbt will be added to the item regardless.
"raw:item": "envirocore:fe_input", "nbt": "{tier:2,energy:{capacity:8192}}", "match_nbt": true
Item Tags
This would be the same syntax for both input slots and output slots.
"raw:item_tag": "forge:ingots/iron"
- all: All items that are in the tag.
- all_whitelisted: All items from the provided namespaces in the given tag.
- all_with_blacklist: All items from the tag as long as they don't belong to the blacklisted namespaces.
- first: First item value from the tag.
- first_whitelisted: First item from the tag that matches one of the provided namespaces.
- first_preferred: First tries to match an item from the provided namespaces but will take the first item in the tag if none match.
- first_with_blacklist: First item that does not match any of the blacklisted namespaces.
The following is an example of how to use these selectors with and item_tag:
"raw:item_tag": "minecraft:flowers",
"selector": {
"type": "all_with_blacklist",
"values": ["botania"]